The Difference Between Aluminum Fencing Grades

If you’re doing research on your first aluminum fence, you have probably discovered that there are different grades to choose from. What does this mean, and which one is right for you? We’ll cover the two main aluminum fencing grades, residential and commercial, to help you decide which grade to select for your new fence.aluminum-fencing-grades

Residential Grade

Residential grade fencing is durable and secure, but also light enough to be versatile. You will find many styles, colors, and decorations options for residential grade aluminum fencing. The installation is quick and easy, and it works well for common residential uses, such as yard enclosures and containing pets. There are also various heights available with residential grade aluminum fence, depending on your needs.

Commercial Grade

Commercial grade aluminum fencing is heavy-duty, and meant to provide high-quality security. Considerably heavier than its residential counterpart, it’s constructed to stand up to the test of intruders and natural elements which your facility, office, or even home may need protection from. This type of aluminum fencing grade is commonly seen around pools, high-traffic areas, or other applications where an easy-to-install security fence is needed. Although there may be fewer style and color options, they are often available in taller heights.

Although the names in the grades say ‘residential’ or ‘commercial’, a residential grade fence can be used for an office building just like a commercial grade fence can be used to secure a home. It depends on your needs in fence heights, strength, and security. If you’re not sure which option is right for you, simply contact us here at Powers Fence Supply!

Aluminum fencing, right to your door.

Powers Fence Supply makes it possible to have a beautiful, durable aluminum fence delivered right to your door. Whether you’re experienced with fencing, a DIY enthusiast, or even new to home improvement projects, Powers Fence Supply makes it easy to install aluminum fencing at home affordably with top-quality supplies and tools.

Need aluminum fence, or ready to start your fencing project? Contact us today, or call at 855-469-5421 and we’ll help you determine which of our products best suits your project. With years of experience and knowledgeable experts, you can rely on us to provide dedicated customer service.

Click HERE to start your order, and begin the first step of setting up your brand new aluminum fence!

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